Newsletter Sept-Jan 2022-2023

We are proud to publish the first newsletter of the “Dynamic Systems Chemistry” group’s website! The group is now entirely constituted and manages to reach the cruise speed.

Experientia fundation visit took place the 13th of September. This meeting with Mrs. and Mr. Dvořákovi signed the official take-off of our research.

The SVK conference was the opportunity to show off our student’s works : Anna Nožičková introduced photoswitchable organic frustrated Lewis pairs, Karolína Křížová talked about photocatalysis with covalently dynamic deazaoxaflavins while Margarita Faizulina presented the controlled and spatially resolved functionalization of microscopic glass slides.

In addition, Martin went to the 56th Advances in Organic, Bioorganic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry to give a talk about unique properties of thiophene-based acylhydrazones.

We have more space ! The new lab, room n°251 is achieved and our equipment, including AFM, vacuum deposition chamber and microscope has already moved. It will be used as spectroscopy, photochemistry and characterization laboratory.

In November, I had the opportunity to go to Zürich university, in the Prof. Juricek’s group to learn and improve skills about synthesis of triangulenes, compounds used in our lab. Thanks for their warm welcome and to Leoš, for his precious help !

This first newsletter is a good timing to wish you all the best for new year, from the whole DSC team, and see you for the next news!

Author: M.Sc Killiann Heinz, Ph.D Student

I'm a French M.Sc graduated student in molecular chemistry, specialized into organic synthesis, coordination chemistry and supramolecular chemistry. I joined Dr. Kovaricek group in September 2022 to do my Ph.D studies.

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