What’s new ?

Newsletter Apr-Jun 2024

Dear readers, it is my pleasure to write a fresh newsletter concerning the activities of the group ! April-June period was a fruitful for the members, starting with the graduations !

Anna N. is now a proud engineer in chemistry ! She will soon leave us to continue her journey in Germany for a PhD. We wish her the best and successful research !

Jakub H. also conclude his Master and we wish the best for the future !

Marian M. also achieved his defense, concluding his Bachelor. He decided to explore others fields, good luck !

June has been rich in talks ! Petr K. gave a talk about the group to the Experiencia day at the IOCB. On the other hand, Killiann H. went to Italy to present a poster at the conference PHOTOCAT24.

The Nobel prize laureate Jean-Marie Lehn visited Prague, and came to the UCT. The whole group has been able to talk about their work and enjoy some time to discuss with one of the pioneers of the supramolecular and the molecular recognition.

That is all for this newsletter ! Summer is coming, so each members and students will take some holidays before the new school year ! Stay tuned, as the summer is also the period of conferences. Enjoy the sun and see you in September !

Martin was already ready for the summer

Newsletter Jan-Mar 2024

Hello readers,

End of March is almost there and it is time for our regular newsletter ! As usual, January-March period is calm, and time is mostly spent to lab work, courses for students, teaching for professors and administration work. In additon, the group is also planning the future targeted conferences to communicate about our work.

From January to March, we welcomed two French Erasmus interns, Léa and Corentin from the universitarian technical institute of Rennes. They respectively worked on organo-perovskites film for water electro-splitting and photoswitches applied to organo-catalysis. The whole group wishes the best for them for the future and hopes they enjoyed their stay with us !

The traditional Christmas/New Year Eve group dinner took place in January. A social moment where we can discuss about something else than chemistry, and forget a bit the pressure and deadlines.

A very good news, Martin, Anna H. and myself succeded to obtain one more year the internal UCT grant VIGA2024. This financial support will allow us to cover some research costs for our projects.

We are welcoming a new Bachelor student, Hannah B. and a new Erasmus intern, Sergio Barros ! Wish them luck and fructful results !

Concerning conferences, Anna H. is going to Berlin in April for the Inspireurope Stakeholder Forum. I will attend the the Photocat24, at the university of Padova (Italy) in June and introduce my work at the ISNA24 (Canada) in August.

That is the conslusion of the this newsletter, wishing you the best, and see you in June for the next newsletter !

Newsletter Sept-Dec 2023

Dear visitors, it is already time for the last newsletter of 2023 and the whole group joins me in wishing you a Merry Christmas and happy festivities. This period has been characterised by our participation in conferences and we also welcome new people!

The entire group travelled to Špindlerův Mlýn (CZ) for the 57th Conference on Advances in Organic, Bioorganic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Liblice 2023). Valentino, Rimeh and I had the opportunity to present our work through oral communications. Petr also presented the whole group and our field of research as an invited speaker. Rita, Anna H., Martin, Anna N. and Harry presented their work with posters. At the end of the event, Anna N. was honoured with the “Best Poster” award!

An usual event for UCT Prague is the Scientific Student Conference (SVK), where students from individual laboratories can present their work to committees. This year Anna N. won first place!

Anna H. gave a speech about her work for the MSCA Fellows Conference to present her work and talk about her experience.

In September, we welcomed two new Bachelor students, Vladimír Krucký and Oleksandr Detsyk. Two high school students, Aneta Hodíková and Roman Bodínský, have also joined our group! Rimeh is leaving us for new horizons and experiences. The group wishes her all the best for the future!

This concludes the late newsletter Sept-Dec 2023 ! The next newsletter will be the first of 2024 !


The end of this year has been marked by a tragic event at Charles University. As an university, students, academics, but also individually, we are deeply saddened and would like to express our condolences to the families of the victims and our full support to our colleagues, friends and people affected by this tragedy. Violence is often used as a shortcut for people who favour the easiest route… But remember that we grow from the difficulties… and improve. The real strength lies in staying on the right path, even when you might abandon it.

“Strength and violence are solitary gods. They give nothing to the memory.”

Albert Camus

Newsletter June-August 2023

As usual, summer has been pretty calm. A priviledged time to take some rest and holidays. It is also time for conferences and sum up the work of the year and already prepare the new year.

Our Master student Anna N. went to Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (ICReDD), Hokkaido University (Japan) for the whole summer. She had the opportunity to develop her skills in the Dr. Dennis Chung-Yang Huang’s group, has also introduced our group and a poster at the conference ICP2023 .

Rimeh and me have also presented posters at two different conferences. Rimeh went to Bratislava (Slovakia) for the 15th Polymer Meeting to introduce her recently published work about Sequential in-situ growth of layered conjugated polymers for optoelectronics under electrochemical control. On my side, I went to the 12th Barrande-Vltava Czech-French meeting in Olomouc. I was really proud to bring back the “best poster” award for the group!

The whole group said farewell to our interns, Mélissa (FR), Théo (FR) and Arda (TR). We wish them all the best for the future! We also said goodbye to Beena, who went back to India for an Associate Professor position. Congratulation and good luck!

Small newsletter, but we expect much more for the end of the year 2023 ! The whole group is planning to attend the 57th Advances in Organic, Bioorganic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry – Liblice 2023. And we expect few published paper as well!

Newsletter Feb-May 2023

Hello, and welcome to this second newsletter, where we are sharing our fresh news ! Already three months passed since our last post, and it is time to update !

We have been able to enjoy our postponed Christmas meeting ! Priviledged moment to discuss about something else than chemistry or, at least, without Powerpoint presentations.

Petr went to the University Palackého v Olomouci, to give a lecture about our research theme : Dynamic systems in chemistry. You can find the complete talk on Youtube here (in Czech).

Between February and March, it is also the time for welcoming new Erasmus interns from around the world. We are currently hosting 3 of them : Arda, from Turkey, for 6 months, Théo and Mélissa both from France, for 3 months. We wish them the best for their experiments !

These 3 months were also a good period for financial supports : Anna H. succeeded in Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (UA) call and received a grant to continue her work with us 2 years more, Harry is in the process of obtaining the OP JAK grant for post-doc research. Anna H., Martin and I also got our intra-Uni Doctoral Grant (IGA) to support our work !

We also welcome two new members : Marek (BSc 2) who will continue with DAOF catalysis topic and Jakub, engineering student who will help us to optimize the software part of our spetroscopy table. Welcome !

Congratulation to Karolina who has been graduated ! Always a pleasure to see a successful student and also always sad to say goodbye… Hopefully she is not going too far and she will even come back from time to time ! Best wishes for your next adventures Ing. Kája !

That’s all for the this time ! See you in 3 months for the next adventures of the PKLab !

Newsletter Sept-Jan 2022-2023

We are proud to publish the first newsletter of the “Dynamic Systems Chemistry” group’s website! The group is now entirely constituted and manages to reach the cruise speed.

Experientia fundation visit took place the 13th of September. This meeting with Mrs. and Mr. Dvořákovi signed the official take-off of our research.

The SVK conference was the opportunity to show off our student’s works : Anna Nožičková introduced photoswitchable organic frustrated Lewis pairs, Karolína Křížová talked about photocatalysis with covalently dynamic deazaoxaflavins while Margarita Faizulina presented the controlled and spatially resolved functionalization of microscopic glass slides.

In addition, Martin went to the 56th Advances in Organic, Bioorganic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry to give a talk about unique properties of thiophene-based acylhydrazones.

We have more space ! The new lab, room n°251 is achieved and our equipment, including AFM, vacuum deposition chamber and microscope has already moved. It will be used as spectroscopy, photochemistry and characterization laboratory.

In November, I had the opportunity to go to Zürich university, in the Prof. Juricek’s group to learn and improve skills about synthesis of triangulenes, compounds used in our lab. Thanks for their warm welcome and to Leoš, for his precious help !

This first newsletter is a good timing to wish you all the best for new year, from the whole DSC team, and see you for the next news!